October 31, 2020
Hey, young people! Welcome to our October contest! Hopefully, you all received a copy of the "A Biblical & Historical Look at Halloween" pamphlet by Bodie Hodge. This contest is for all youth between 12 and 20 years of age. If you are younger, go to Kid's Sunday School page to complete the contest for the kiddos.
To enter the contest, just answer the pamphlet questions below. In the box directly below/to the left, number and enter your answers in the Comment box, add your name in the First and Last box, and then enter your email address in the Email box.
Winners will be announced on Sunday morning (November 1st) following our 10 am virtual services at www.greaterlifeheritage.com/greaterlistening. Hurry and enter your answers today. This page will close at 10 PM tonight and any answers received after 10 pm will not be accepted. |
Virtual Youth Conference: Play it Again!
Welcome back, everyone! It's been a while since we last got together. We thought we'd have a time by listening to some great conference messages. So, get your Bible out, a note pad, and let's jot down some great notes about the conference message below.
We're still awarding points towards prizes after we re-assemble as a congregation again. So, get ready to earn some points toward some great prizes! Take down, at least, 10 significant notes about the message below and send them to [email protected], and we'll award you 50 points! |
"Just Water" - Rev. Tom Johnson
April 19, 2020 Easter Edition
Bored Out of Your Mind? Think Again!
Listen up, young people. Being cooped up at home doesn't mean it has to be boring. Get busy, and do something productive and meaningful. Anybody can look at their cell phone all day! Or let me guess...it seems like the only left to do is sleep since it's so boring. It doesn't have to be boring. Read the Good News! Listen to some good gospel music! Be a help around the house. Help the helpless around you. The key is to be productive. Joseph was! In every bad situation, Joseph always found something good to do with his hands. Most importantly, he was about your age when he was thrown into a confining prison. Even though the situation looked grim, he still found something productive to do.
Dare be like Joseph. Make your better, your best! |
PuzzleSee if you can find the words below, and earn 10 points. Send a picture of your completed word find to [email protected] and be awarded!
Joseph: Thrown in the Well Forgives His Brothers
Forgiveness is important in the kingdom of God. Listen up and see just how was imprisoned and experienced difficult times.
April 12, 2020 Easter Edition
Happy Easter!
Thanks for checking in, young folks! We're excited you are hear today. Today is Easter Sunday and it's the time we set aside to thank Jesus for the great sacrifice He made for you and me. That sacrifice was dying on an old rugged cross and shedding His blood so that our sins could be washed away and to help us to become faithful Christians.
We got a lot of ground to cover, and I hope you'll stick with us! |
Prize Giveaway!Get up and do something! If you find in our Quaran-teen Times places to earn points, do it! Each time you earn points, your points are all tallied up for a fantastic drawing coming up as soon as we're all back in church again and the Colorado stay-at-home order is over. There's plenty of opportunity! Give it a try. The prizes will be out of this world!
The Crown...was thorny and sharp against his brow.Calvary's Road...was difficult and someone else had to carry His cross.The Cat-of-Nine Tails...the cat-of-nine tails whip scorched Jesus' back, pulling bits and pieces of flesh with one stroke.The Cross...the cross was so heavy, someone had to carry it for him.The Tomb...the tomb was His resting place and was from where He went to get the keys of that set us free.The Blood..saves us from our sins! |
Ever wondered how Fortified the Tomb Jesus was Laid In Was?
Unbelievers tried especially hard to make sure Jesus' legacy would be destroyed and made every effort to secure his grave. A round stone was placed over the tomb's opening. It measured approximately 4-6' feet in diameter and was about a foot thick! It weighed approximately 1-2 tons and took at least, two men to roll it over it's mouth.
Lesson Time! The Road to Calvary...
Click the Play button below and listen to this account and then write two paragraphs (4-6 sentences in each paragraph) on what you thought about the account of Jesus death and the steps leading up to his death and resurrection for 25 points. Be sure to enter your full name and email address!
See you next week! Come back to earn more prizes and learn more about the Bible... |
Bible Cross OutEarn 5 points for answering the questions below. Cross off the letters that occur four times. The letters that are left will spell out the answer to the questions below.
April 5, 2020 Edition
Welcome to our first edition of the Quaran-teen Times, our dedicated knowledge station for Bible learning facts and fun! I hope you stay tuned because as long as the Colorado Stay-at-Home order is in place, we are going to keep this newsletter going. Each edition will be filled with games, challenges, and fun facts about Bible men, women, and children who were confined in unusual circumstances just like you. We'll explore what they experienced under their "quarantine" circumstances. You'll also have a change to earn prizes as you earn points with each edition. We'll tally up all the points you earn from now until the Colorado Stay-at-Home order is in place (and we can re-join for service again). After the order is over and we're all back in regular services we will tally up your totals and submit them for great and exciting prizes. So, don't miss reading through each edition!
What Have You Experienced New Since the Colorado Stay-at-Home Order Went Into Effect?
Being confined under one roof can be quite challenging and interesting. We get to learn a lot more about our families, both good and bad. In situations like these, we should learn to bind together as God's happy family.
So, here's your first opportunity to earn points! Tell us about your stay-at-home experience. What have you learned about each other? What's most fun about this arrangement? What do you like about being at home more with your family? What are your challenges? Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about your experience for 10 points in the form below. Be sure to include your first and last name and e-mail address. |
Fast Facts About JonahJonah—His Hebrew name means dove in English.
About Jonah—He was a prophet of God and the son of a man named Amittai. He wrote the book of Jonah in the Bible initially to help the Hebrew people. The book of Jonah was written around 785—760 B.C. At that time, various kings were prevalent in three nearby regions:
Book of Jonah is considered a historical narrative, and different from the other prophetic books of the Bible, like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, etc., this book does not focus on helping the Hebrew people, but it focuses on the encounter of the prophet Jonah. Jonah Could Relate!Jonah was a preacher that was confined to one spot for three days, and that spot was inside the belly of a whale. He couldn't get out if he wanted to! God had him shut in because of his disobedience. Read the Old Testament Book of Jonah; it's only four chapters long. You'll finish reading it in no time! Then, go test your knowledge in our Trivia Corner!
See if you can answer these trivia questions and earn a point for each correct answer. Enter your answers on the form below! Include your first and last name and email address.
Trivia Corner: Jonah Did What?
Jonah's Travels
Do you know anyone who does the opposite of what they're told to do? Jonah was one of those people, inspite of being God's prophet. After God commanded Jonah to go preach to the wicked people in Nineveh, he refused and went the opposite direction God commanded Him. He didn't want to go, and the people of Nineveh were notorious for plundering the spoils of the rich and taking them, but not before they mutilated, abused, and killed their unfortunate recipients! What would you do if you were in Jonah's shoes?
Jonah wasn't the only one who had to preach repentance to unbelievers! On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter preached repentance to unbelievers. Like Jonah, many converted from their wickedness. On the day of Pentecost, 120 people, including Mary (the mother of Jesus) received the Holy Ghosts and spoke in other tongues. Reach Peter's message to us below and see if you can de-crypt Acts 2:38-41. Email your answers (1 -23) to [email protected] and earn 15 points!
The Moral of the Story Is... |
You can repent today, and live unrepented all of the time, To only fall so, so far away And live a life of slime and grime. Jonah: Do what God instructs you to do, and all will eventually be well with you. When you’re in trouble, always pray, and God, who knows all, will always make a way! |